Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Horror, The Horror , , ,

Horror... Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared.
-Kurt, Apocalypse Now
Sometimes after a traumatic experience, we just have to get our feelings down on paper.

I write this during a break from a furious bought of dishwashing.  What caused my resort to such an outlet of pain, shock, and confusion you ask?

Enter this past Sunday.  Mandolin and I visited my Grandmother’s house.  My grandfather and Dad were both there, too, and we happened upon a conversation on diet. (Amanda had brought some hummus and a banana to eat.)  My Grandma explained how they stayed away from beef and that she enjoyed healthy snacks like grapes and their tiny tomato cousins; but, there is one food addiction my family would never shake, she said—my family loves cheese.

I love cheese.

How can I explain?  It may be the most primal and yet sublime pleasure that I know.

Anyways, fast forward to tonight.  After work, Mandolin is preparing a pizza.  I had a veggie pizza the other night and tonight we are going to have one with Artichokes and mushrooms.  Oh, not the frozen kind, my friend.  She bought the dough and we are cooking this stuff up like trap stars.  Delicious!  “Too bad there’s mozzarella in this pesto,” she says as she reads the label on the jar.  That was an odd comment, I think to myself.

“What’s wrong with that?” I ask.

She then proceeds to shatter my world.  I don’t even recall hearing what she said.  It was a strange moment.  The words land like a bomb and I am shell shocked à la the original Call of Duty—no noise, just the world happening around you.  I read her lips.

“Cheese is directly linked to cancer?  What?!  Where is the Proof?”

“You can’t handle the proof!”

I want to believe her, but I need to see the evidence, read the methodology, reproduce the results if I have to.  If you have any evidence, please post it.  I’m too scared to look.

Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cheese causes cancer . . .  In what best of all possible world does cheese cause cancer?

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